L.T. Biggs Family Photos


The First Round-Up | Interesting Sights | Photos from Carolyn and Shari!!! | Reunion Photo Album | Not the Last Round-Up | Happy Anniversary, Ellen and Travis | Rand Turns 40 | Birthday Greetings | Rand of ages | Related Links About Your Relatives | Don't Be a Stranger!
Birthday Greetings

Randall and "Honeychild," our first dog.
A boy and his dog, ~1968

Randy at 18 months playing with Mary's doll.
The secret's out! Randy played with dolls!

Before my Kindergarten Christmas play.
The rubber tree plant grew with us, 1964.

Get a load of those hats!
Somebody's missing some lampshades! Easter, 1963

Christmas, ~1965
This was the Christmas we had the mumps.

Davey and Randy prepare to wail on the pinata.
Remember this Christmas?

Randy & Christ of the Ozarks.
Randy and Jesus (Randy is the short one this time) ~1967.

Go, Hornfrogs!
Rand in his YMCA football team uniform with Baby Carolyn.

Rand, Mary, Honeychild and Nelda in that good old red dress.

Where did the time go?  I remember that Christmas with the pinata and the trip to the Ozarks like it was yesterday...  Can we really be this old?